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Hello my name is Anne... and I like to run, find out a bit more about me. Check out my past races too.

Friday, June 14, 2013

Can I get an Owners Manual for this body?

Gavin has always had his protein shakes after a workout but now he has moved into the world of Mark Wahlberg's line of body building nutrition, Marked. After a few trips to GNC it got me thinking if there is some energy booster to take pre-workout to help with endurance. Now as I am sure there is something that gives you a little extra kick, there isn't anything that is going to transform my body into Kara Goucher's overnight.  Not that I expect to become an Olympic Marathoner, or that I am even striving for that, but it will only come with training and hard work to make myself stronger and faster. To be honest if I could just get a sub 10 minute mile on a long run I would loose my mind with joy.

That doesn't mean I should figure out nutrition and what works best for my pre-workout snack/breakfast. Everything I read, has a main message with a lot of suggestions, there really isn't a one size fits all solution. It is a matter of trial and error.

From all the things that I have read breakfast is important. As far as working out, you have the potential to burn more calories if you don't eat anything, but you also can't workout as hard or for as long.  From my own personal experience and obsession with food, I workout better with a small snack anywhere between 30-90 minutes before a workout. I like working out in the morning and really only have so much time to get ready and get to work. I need something quick and not too filling but packed with the nutrients to get me through over an hour of high intensity cardio, alright so at some point I will be doing over an hour.

I had a Trader Joe's yogurt smoothie and fiber granola bar and it seemed to do the trick. I can definitely feel a difference when I am not putting the right things in my body, not that it always stops me from putting the wrong things in there... because things that lack in nutrition, are so stinking delicious.

I would like to go on the record and say this was a party in my mouth.

After a completely unnecessary and long break from the gym I started going back to the gym in January. I know, I know, but with the exception of me declaring that 2013 is the year of the half, I am really not a resolution type of person. I think I actually started for a few days in December. I was just kind of fed up with having my belly rolling over my jeans and not having any of my pants fit. Winter and holidays don't do a body good. Oh My... I had a point... and I wonder why my readership is low.

When I was out of shape, it was almost more easy to feel when I was not getting the proper nutrition. Within the past few weeks, my runs have been all I could ask for. My boredom and my body haven't been getting the best of me. Now if only I could get the gym earlier so I am not late for work and could get the mileage in.

Workout: 4.35 miles / 47 minutes TM

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