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Hello my name is Anne... and I like to run, find out a bit more about me. Check out my past races too.

Thursday, June 13, 2013

Throw Back Thursday... Wedding Edition

Now I don't claim to be original, this throw back Thursday thing has been around for a while and I am really just jumping on the band #tbt band wagon.

I was watching GMA the other morning at the gym and they had a girl on that was a bridesmaid 14 times, bringing up that she was almost like Katherine Heigl's character in 27 Dresses. Now I am no where near 27 or even 14, I have only been in 5 weddings. I have shot more than twice the weddings than I have been in.

Seems like things that happened prior to me being on Facebook, doesn't exist, or I just have a much harder time getting pictures of things. So there is one picture missing, and I was an honorary bridesmaid at one point so I will save you the dress I bought at Macy's.

I wanted to share some of these acts of love with all of you, or the few of you that are reading. Also, give you a break from my boring rambling.

There was a lot of beer that night.

Before I was allowed to have beer (Dad and Bonnie "Bonus Mom"'s Wedding) 

The most recent wedding I was in. 

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