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Hello my name is Anne... and I like to run, find out a bit more about me. Check out my past races too.

Saturday, May 25, 2013

Can I Eat Yet? (Beware, Talking Sweat)

For all 5 of you that are paying attention, (thanks sis!) I left you hanging on the weight loss competition.

Friday, I got up at 6:10 AM, gulped down a coffee protein blend and hit up the gym.  55 (very sweaty) minutes on the elliptical and home to find the lightest outfit I had in my closet, no matter how ugly.  I went with linen capri's and brought a change of clothes.

I got to work feeling like I was going to pass out! The person in charge of this crazy competition grabbed me to weigh in.

I was 2 lbs down since the day before... (now I don't recommend the method) wrestlers are onto something! And I was off to sip on sip Gatorade like a champ.

I had moved up to second place for percentage lost.   The girl I was neck and neck with the previous day was 100th of a percent lower than me... Guess who is the official second place winner of this Biggest Loser competition? Moi! (Channeling my inner Muppet, although I think of myself less of a Miss Piggy and more of a Fozzie/Rowlf combo).

***Stop reading now if the idea of girls sweating isn't your thing***

So what?  I sweat a lot. I know people who don't sweat at the gym and they are either socializing or working their tail off.  Everyone is different and I don't know how else to have cardio work for me unless I am a sweaty beast. It don't have a problem sweating it out, I walk into the gym and it is almost inevitable.

Sorry, I had to put that out there. I knew that losing water weight wouldn't be too hard. I didn't even have to wear a sweatshirt like the wrestlers do.

I don't recommend what I did, but it was a means to an winning number on the scale.  Hydration is so important and for me it is my cure all.  When I feel even just a little off, water is my first defense to cure.

Stay hydrated folks!!

Alright this isn't what I mean, but I think you get the picture! (Of course I don't drink beer out of straws) There is a water somewhere behind there.

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